Friday, October 5, 2012

Behind the view!

Teeming metropolis is what u can make about Delhi from 35000ft and since my flight was to land at midnight I was captivated by the seductive charm of the city, the halogen induced orange night sky really does something to you and you transcend the boundaries, enter an arena of casual emptiness until the aunt sitting next to you grumbles to get her share of the window, and alas my connection with the unknown was broken I couldn’t stop but give her deep stare, without failing to notice the monstrous beetroot lipcolor she could have done away with, it would have definitely made her look more handsome. As the passing thought vanished, something hard hit my head and I realised it was Ms.  Roy, who with rage in her aura audaciously invaded my mind space to show the ugly behind the beautiful, And within a jiffy I was in a dilemma as to what I really stand for, what do I really believe in, what my purpose is? Is it to really sit and admire the orange night which is symbolic of the perennial darkness in the lives of millions of adivasis amongst others. And almost instantly I feel like shouting CAPITALISM SUCKS: Democracy, Human Rights, Justice, freedom are the biggest farce they are an illusion in the real world. If you believe that the epitaph for imperialism was written with the independence of Palau in 1994, If you believe that democracy is our path to utopia then I would say the corporate propaganda has succeeded. My world view has significantly diverged from the corporate owned and corporate funded education that we are brainwashed with, in schools, the hard-line madraasas of capitalism. It may sound profane but today we don’t have a government by and for the people rather it was never meant to be that way it was always meant to serve the vested interests of a handful. Sample this, Iraq was invaded on the pretext of it having acquired WMDs which were a potential threat to US national security and yet not a single was ever found in the 9 years since 2003, yet what US, UK, Poland and Australia have achieved through “Operation Iraqi Freedom” is the liberation of Iraqis from their ‘Dictator friend gone rogue’ Saddam Hussein.  Now the Republic of Iraq has a new democratic government that plays yeomen to the tyrants of the west awarding humongous redevelopment programs to western firms, letting them suck Iraq’s oil unhindered. It’s a vicious cycle of money generation which goes from Destruction to Reconstruction. And it takes no brains in spotting an analogy between Iraq and what happened in Libya. Today Governments can be thrown and installed at will; public opinion can be manipulated by the corporate media; and the lives of people be obliterated at will. I can just say that Hitler had a really bad PR machine else we would have been worshipping him,  what he did is nowhere near the pogrom that is being orchestrated across the world today. Think of Kashmir, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, DRC, and Vietnam it’s the same story. Whatever and whoever doesn’t fit in the capitalist model belongs to the “Axis of Evil”. Closer home take a look at the maoist movement: it is the manifestation of the collective anger that pervades through the heart of rural india. Years of neglect and rampant exploitation at the hands of the ruthless mining industry has wreaked havoc in the lives of the poor tribals who with no clout or money have violence as the only way to protect themselves and their lands against the behemoth of corporate imperialism .Lets give it a deeper look what all we know about the naxal movement in India is fed to us through the Free Media. Now this free media is chained under the shackles of corporate profiteering so if you want to stay on the block they have to satisfy their masters. As a result of the biased reporting by the media the public opinion becomes anti-naxal , the government takes cues from this manipulated public opinion and marches in with their troops all set to prepare fertile fields for the corporate to exploit. Once the areas are cleared of the protestors the corporate are invited in the name of bringing investement and development they are allocated land at throwaway prices, while a 2nd round of ordeal begins for the tribals who without any skill level lose out and are forced to rely on petty jobs to earn 2 meals a day. They lose their lands, livelihood and their environment which these corporations  recklessly exploit for monetory gains.Thus here also a exists a circle that begins and terminates in corporate imperialism.


  1. Independent well read writers like you should write more to bring out behind the popular view. Most of us form opinions on media story telling.
    Hitler was actually hailed and loved by German people, that was because of his positive media publicity

  2. Independent well read writers like you should write more to bring out behind the popular view. Most of us form opinions on media story telling.
    Hitler was actually hailed and loved by German people, that was because of his positive media publicity

  3. Independent and well read aware writers should write more to bring out behind the popular view. Most of us form opinions based on media story.
    Hitler was actually hailed and loved by German people because of his positive media publicity.

  4. Independent and well read aware writers should write more to bring out behind the popular view. Most of us form opinions based on media story.
    Hitler was actually hailed and loved by German people because of his positive media publicity.
